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«Crimean Armeniada»


Natalia Sabol:  
«Crimean Armeniada»

Natalia Sabol:   «Crimean Armeniada»


According to numerous sources, the modern Crimean peninsula in ancient times was called Tauris. This title is carefully draw to the Latin word “Taurus” (“bull”). Although it is known that the word “Taurus” has a much more ancient etymology - ancient Aramaic. M. Sigmund and I. Ganzelka have noted that this word (language; notes by S.N.) means “log” in “old Aramaic” language! Accordingly, it is directly related to the Armenian ethnos (Armenoid race). (1) The “Complete Orthodox Theological encyclopedic Dictionary” reports about this: “Arameans are considered to be the ancestors of Armenians… Aram country ... the chief city ​​of Damascus. According to other sources Tauris is also known as archaic historical Pontida. Tauris is a unique creation of nature and a paradise for researchers of many areas of science. (2) Historians know it also as “Marine Armenia” (according to Bartold and others). 1 (3) And only in XV century there appeared the name familiar to us now – “Crimea” - from distorted Mongol “herem”, which means “fortress wall”! According to many ancient sources, the native names of cities, rivers, mountains and so on, were given in Tauris in ancient times by Crimean-Armenian and Crimean-Greek peoples. (4) Forcible renaming was made by the Tatar-Mongols (do not confuse with the Volga Tatars). (5) According to many sources, the Armenians have captured the lands of Tauris even since antiquity. At least, in the II-I millennium BC, they lived continuously on the southern coast of the Black Sea - from the estuary of the river Galis to the west, and in the East till Colchis (Kohgis - Ancient Armenian; Sidewall - Ancient Slavonic). Many ancient authors report about their constant presence in the Crimea. Hecataeus of Miletus (550-490 BC) wrote about the Armenians: “Ghalibs, people of Pontus (highlighted and underlined by S.N.). They reported about Armenians in Crimea: Xenophon (445- ? BC), Pseudo-Skilak Kariandsky (VI century BC). Strabo (64 BC) and so forth. They mentioned about Armeno-Chalybes as a very hard-working sedentary nation. Historian F. Shelova-Kovedyaev writes: “Ghalibs were localized by different ancient authors around the whole southern coast of Pontus, where one could meet people engaged in metalworking.” In the period of antiquity ambassador traveler M. Bronevsky (1670-ies) wrote about Armenians in Crimea (Chersonesos, etc), based on the writings of Ptolemy, Pliny, Strabo (“Geography”) and so on. “Armenian question” is illuminated widely enough by Z. Glaka (IV) and by A. Shirakatsi (VII century, “Geography World Pointer”) and by Missionary M. Bzhshkyan (Catholic monk-historian; Venice, the monastery “St. Lazarus”) (6) Early presence of Armenians in Crimea is confirmed also by the results of many archaeological excavations - human skulls (brachycephalics), golden articles depicting horses and chariots, engobe ceramics and other objects of material culture, echoing the style of manufacturing products from Armenian Highlands. In Crimea, many archaic Armenian geographic names of vicinities are yet preserved. They firmly and organically entered in our everyday speech usage. We do not think about their old etymological, namely Armenian roots. For example: Mountain Prchort - (“wooly” mountain); Mount breather – (“Brokeback” mountain); Surhat city - (“Sharp Rock”) Genoese renamed it as “Solkhat” («Solcati» - ital.), Tatars as “Kirim” (later “Eski- Crimea” –“Old Crimea”) city ​​Alushta, ((Galuston, Aluston, later Al (h) ushte - Ancient Armenian) - (“Red Cave”); city ​​Kerch (Kirche – old Armenian) - (“Canyon”, “Defile”); Cape Aya - (“Armenian” Cape); Mount Ai-Aja – (“Armenian” Mountain); Khor Khor beam- (“Very deep beam”), tract of the Bronze Age, “Tash-Air” - (consonance with the name “Tashir” of ancient kingdom in historical Armenia). settlement of Sev-Jur - ("Black Water" in the Slavic tradition XI-XII centuries - the town Karasev and later renamed as Karasu Bazaar by Tatars); large waterfall Jur-Jur Small Waterfall "Jur-la" - (the Turks claim that they cannot remember the exact translation, supposedly, from the Turkish "Jur-la" means, like, "Running"). There is a city with a similar etymology in the area of ​​Khor (Mazandaran, nowadays Turkmenistan) – It is Jurjan. And the Aral Sea in ancient times was called the Jurjan sea. The list goes on: Mayrum place, Vardenik (Vardane) Sahtik and Artik (colloquially Armenian female names). Alupka, Megapotama (later Ulu Uzen-tat.) Haphal canyon (translations are preserved in Matenadaran). According to Yu. Lermontov Taman was renamed for too many times as well. Its earlier name was Samkerts and in Khazar period was Taganata. In Slavic sources - Tmutarakan (consonant with the name Tanuterakan in old Armenian -. City of "masters", and also "first city", "strong city"). City of Don Slavs Sarkel ("to build", "to construct", "to do" –Old Arm.). The Black Sea in some early sources was called "Stone" sea or “Armenian sea" or "Askenaz Sea"(associated with the ancient kingdom Azkenaz / Ashkenaz of king Paruyr). The Turks named the Black Sea "Kara-Denis", and Armenians themselves called "kara" ( "kara" or "kar" –in Old Arm. "stone"). Distinctly Armenian trace has always been present in the Crimea in different time periods. M. Neyman wrote that: “in the Crimea ... Armenians deployed their abilities, turning spaces of the desert into flourishing villages and covering its mountains and fields with a set of magnificent temples, the ruins of which still exist." 58-62 B.C. - The expansion of Rome, it is particularly strong in the period of the so-called "Roman Mithridatic Wars." The enemy of Rome King Mithridates VI of Eupator ((approximately 121-64 BC.; ethnic Armenian). (8) He enjoyed the respect of all the 22 peoples of Pontus. By their request, Mithridates became king, and learned their languages, as Pliny wrote (comp., 7,88-90). His allies were even wild and warlike pirates Geniokhs. After what began a new "recovery in the Crimea ... Mithridates ... created vast state capturing south and north coasts of Pontus Euxine.” Then he made an alliance with Armenia. It is known that, he married his daughter Cleopatra to the king of Armenia – Tigran the Great II. Consequently, according to the contract, during the war in Tauris, in the army of Mithridates' Eupator Tigran’s Armenians soldiers served. About Mithridates and "his ally king Tigran" the legend "Death of Mithridates" was created in the Crimea, a Mount on "Kerch Peninsula is named after him." During his kingdom Tauris was flourishing, he invested a lot for the development of infrastructure of the Peninsula. Together with his son-in-law Tigran, they opposed against the aggressive aspirations of the Romans to the East (58-62-ies BC). He erected a statue in his honor made of pure gold (which was so wanted for Rome), built a magnificent royal palace. The artist Basolli came to Kerch, and he painted the very palace of Mithridates VI (well-preserved in its time). Basolli’s canvases stood out with photographic accuracy of the image. This made him famous. In the I century A.D. - Pagan emperors Trajan seized the Crimea, after which the peninsula became not only a place of conquest, but also a place of exile (including Armenians). In the IV c. - Sarmatians came to the Crimea, then the rich "Bosporus kingdom was destroyed by the Huns forever." At the junction of IV-V centuries Peninsula was already a distant province of "high-hurumsky" (Armenian) Byzantium. (9) The capital of the Byzantine city of the theme became rich Hersonissos. But according to others ancient sources, Hersonissos was called Megariche much earlier ("Magariche" translated from Old Arm means "gift" or "Present")! (10) By order of the Basileus, other strengthenings are being built. This is the citadel of Al (h) ushte (Galuston, Aluston or Alushta, the romantic legend "Beautiful Theodore” of the era of Basileus Constantine is connected with it). And also others - Yevpatory (its first name "Kirkintida", which means "a favourable place" in translation from old Armenian). Mangup (in Armenian principality Theodoro) and watchtower Simfolon / Calamita (now Inkerman) and so on. After that, the Peninsula began to arrive the next wave of Armenian and Greek colonists. That, however, did not prevent the various rulers of permanent use of land Crimea as a battlefield. V-VI centuries - presence in the Crimea, the Crimean Armenians, belonging to Armenian Apostolic (AAC) and Greek Orthodox churches. This is confirmed by sources in different time frames. The construction of the Byzantine fortresses -. "Armenian - Mangup, Yaelity (Yalta), Funy (." Demerchi "-zap.arm), etc. On the stove," Funa "in 1459, was more noticeable the ancient coat of arms of the king Tigran the" Great "byzantine emblem in the form of two-headed eagle with crowns on their heads (highlighted and underlined by S.N.) "”. VIII century - Archaeological site (1902 .; ancient khachkars, stone with Armenian letters, VIII B and others) have shown that in Hersonissos Armenians lived. On the stone well kept 2 inscriptions in ancient language, what he wrote Academician N. Marr. And also discovered ancient ruins destroyed by the Tatars, the cruciform church in Hersonissos. Present and traces of the battles between the forces of Justinian II and Vardan diatribe (scraping-ancient arm.). Excavations resumed in 1910-1911-ies I must say that Justinian II actually threw his remote Tema to fend for themselves. Hersonissos passed from hand to hand. Therefore Chersonesites exhausted themselves proclaimed their king noble Byzantine - Patrick Vartan (ethnic Armenian, Prince). When Vardan overthrew Justinian II, he took the Byzantine throne (711-713), he even released prisoners from jails in Byzantium and femah. Armenian sources reported at the time: "... he began to reign, Vardan diatribes of Armenian Azat". Vartan tried to strengthen political ties and with Rus. For this reason he sent Prince Kolokira (Armenian) from the Crimea to Rus to Prince Svyatoslav of Kiev, which was written by Leo Deacon ( "Christianity and Rus"). The destruction of the Goths, Alans Mangupa. (11) The beginning of the VIII c. - "The invasion of the wild Khazars" in the Crimea. Rus experienced that itself. Historian E. Evdokimov on the issue indirectly, observes: "Greek-Khazar conflict, which reflected the Armenian-Jewish rivalry, did not pass unnoticed in Rus." The Khazars all looted, ruined and burnt, inhabitants killed. Then the part of Armenians, Greeks and other Christians went up into the mountains. In the "Khazar period" Tauris called "Hozariya". In the VIII century. Khazars, brutally suppressed the uprising Mangupa Christians and destroyed nearby villages. 988 - the fate of Tauris, Russia, Byzantium and Ani became more tightly crossed. This is the baptism of the Holy. Vladimir and his marriage to the Byzantine Princess Anna (Armenian from Macedonian dynasty, which was related to the ancient native Arshakuni, and the king Abgar also originates from it). The XI century - In the eleventh century. pl. Mangupa ruined villages, the inhabitants were killed. In mid. Eleventh century. "There are new barbarians - Polovtsy ... and almost 2 centuries called it his" notes A.Ishimova. However, they cut themselves and Polovtsy - Tatar-Mongols. But even in such difficult times, Armenians have always lived in the Crimea, this is confirmed by archaeological excavations (including during scheduled construction works) near Mount Tepsen. There was Mr. Gorzouvites (Gurzuf), one of the largest settlements of Armenians in Crimea. A.Yakobson ("Medieval Hersonissos") also finds many similarities between Crimea found ceramics, Dvina River and Ani. (12) And by the XIV-XV cc Crimean Armenian people there always prevailed. Many artefacts proves this from Crimean excavations (including burial). The middle of the XI century - Khersones FEMA, the principality of Theodoro (capital Mangup) over ownership of the Christians - but the Armenian Gavras princes. E.Nagaevskaya notes: "... his name principality has been named Armenian Theodore Gavras, who ruled Trebizond ... relative Comneni and Palaeologus." Mangup - nest "patrician-tsats of ancient Armenian family Gavras' was laid on the site of an ancient fortification (VI). "People of different nationalities, professing the Christian religion and consider themselves Greek, retains the territory between Chersonesus and the upper course of the river Alma." (13) Gavras made a great contribution to the development and Mangup Crimea. Water tankers were built, fleet, fortified ports and so on. And so on. FEMA was from the app. the territory of the mountain area on the SOUTH. shore from Balaclava (Balaklava) to Alhushte (Alushta). More Plutarch calls king Tigranes II of "Gobras" ( "Terrible, Brave, Proud"), this is noted and S.Anetsi. Gavras were studied by E.Brayer (explored more than 60 different species of the genus Gavras), A.Falmeyer, Sh.Dil, ak. N. Marr, N.Adonts, ak. R.Bartikyan, ak. S.Eremyan, ak. Nemirovsky, A.Nikolsky, Jacobson and others. 1064-1067 c. - Ani again ravaged the Turks in Crimea celdzhuki again moved Ani Armenians. Ani practically ceased to exist. Former Ani deployed in Crimea multifaceted construction (including fleet), expanded trade. Supports a comprehensive relationship with others. Byzantine and so forth. Crimea colonies, India, China, Europe, and so forth. XII century - Strengthening of the Principality of Theodoro by Constantin Gavras (1119-1140; F.Gavrasa nephew, Duque Trebizond). 1201 - First appearance of Venice merchants . "Thanks to the" attack of the Crusaders Byzantium, in the Crimea came back Venetians, Armenians and other Byzantines (1204). 27.01.1223 - were the Tatar-Mongol hordes. They pushed the Polovtsy-addicts (with already inhabited by them for 200 years, land). Witness the nightmare was Guillaume de Rubrukus. He wrote: "And when they came to the Tatars, Kamal ... fled to the sea in such a huge quantity that ... devoured each other mutually, the living dead, as I told a well-worn it a merchant; live devoured and torn flesh of dead teeth, the dogs dead bodies. " The chronicler Andrew Lyzlov continues the theme: "Coming out of Tartary (outside Mongolia; by S.N. ), Tatars conquered many lands (after the battle of Kalka) ... towns and villages devastated Polovtsian and all countries around Don and Meotian Sea (Sea of ​​Azov) Kherson and Tavria (Crimea), and the neighborhood Ponta Euxine (Black sea) Tatariv obladasha and posedosha ". V.Mordashov local historian notes that "the Tartars have never been an indigenous people of Tauris", which is confirmed by the modern name Peninsula. Because of the Tatar-Mongols established themselves in Tauris. But, still completely subjugate the south and the east coast of the Crimea could not. Prevents them migrants from Ani and the Armenian principality Theodoro. 1225 - The emergence of new Tatar hordes, but Jochi Khan (1182-1227, son of Genghis Khan) produced regression Peninsula. But Turkish author E.Chelebi was delighted: "Finally, the Crimean government seized Jochi Khan, and now illustrious Khans are the heirs of the first owner of the Crimea." What came of it, describes in his manuscript "Siyahatname" (Chapter "Description of the ancient capital - Fortress Eski Kyrym / Stary Krym.)." 1233 - came a horde of Batu Khan. "Baty was horrified Tauris" - noticed Ishimova. And the soldiers' commander Batu "Nogai again devastated and looted, many other residents brutally slaughtered, others were sold into slavery. 1242 - most of the land is already Peninsula Golden Horde province ( "ulus" -tat.), Bordering on the possessions of Tamerlane. From the time of the Tatar-Mongols tried to "stake out" Crimea keeping covenants Genghis Khan: the new land mark banner and collect kurultais as their historic homeland in Mongolia. They put on a kind of "blue flag of Genghis" ( "kokbayrak." - Tat) and collected by the People's Assembly ( "Kurultai" - tat.). But the Crimean Armenian people in spite of everything, continued to reside in the Crimea, which is confirmed by archaeological excavations 1930s, Barchenko expedition. The excavations of 1955, the (settlement Chersonese, found 18 human skulls / brachycephalic; XIII). Anthropologist K.Sokolova conducted a study and concluded that they belonged to the Armenians. 1265 - the emergence and consolidation of the Genoese in the Crimea. Many sources at the time reported that their accounts for the city's population were Armenians and Greeks. Especially thoroughly Genoese settled in two cities - in the former Armenian-Greek colony of the IV. BC. Feodosia (Cafe). In V in. Byzantines rebuilt the city come here. It rapidly developed a few centuries before the arrival of the Khazars, after the fall of the Khazar khanate Theodosius fell into disrepair. But the Byzantines, again, albeit briefly, regained its position. In 1266-m, the Genoese from the Tatars' bargain ... factors, "Theodosia ruins and began to rebuild everything. However, in Feodosia still survived 3 Armenian fountains. They began to displace Armenians, AAC and The whole thirteenth century Tatar-Mongols looted and ousted the autochthonous population of the Crimea. What wrote Arabic, Byzantine, Armenian and more. et al. Historical sources. Preserved Crimean legends and stories about the "cruelty and perfidy Conqueror" Mamaia ( "Grave of Mamay", etc.). The heyday of the slave The following 200 years - the constant influx of Armenians in the Crimea because of politics between Byzantium and Persia, and the invasions of Seljuk Turks. 1330 - many Armenians (Tatars deported to the Golden Horde) returned to their native Tauris. What wrote M.Neyman ( "New Revue" magazine, "Armenians"): "In the XIII century, when the Mongol-Tatars conquered Armenia, they were evicted from there are many people in the Shed, Astrakhan (" Chitrakala "-ancient arm .; by SN) and Kazan. In an effort to get rid of these ... barbarians ... Armenians entered into negotiations with the Genoese, Genoese...and helped free the Armenians from the Tatars." 1365 - Genoese took 18 more villages and continued to squeeze out the Armenians, Greeks, Goths (Bulgaria), thanks to their splendid gifts Tatar-governor (and the intrigues and betrayals). 1375 - Seljuk Turks destroyed the Armenian Cilicia (it was 300 years old). Resettlement in Crimea Armenians Cilicians. 1390-ies - The emergence of Khan Tokhtamysh, "Sea Armenia" was forcibly dragged into Tatar mezhduusobits. Wealthy Armenian and others. Fortresses, villages and infrastructure destroyed. Robotorgovlya. 1395 - the appearance of the troops of Tamerlane, the destruction Surhata, Yalta, etc. The massacre between the Tatar khan Tokhtamysh and "lame Emir.". As a result - the south-west peninsula 2 hordes razed to the ground. Turk-Pechevi wrote that the Crimea "... wandering, and lonely group, and the crowd Tatars engaged in looting," it was the soldiers' evil Temur ". Another witness monk and Exarch of Yalta o.Matfey described the "innocent victims Christians and terrible deserted edge." The presence of the Horde in the Crimea he describes as "infidel invasion": "I saw, and the dead bodies and many of the remains, and the skull, separated from the skeletons and the remains dumped in a heap." The beginning of the XIV century - Grand Duke Alexei Gavras Theodorite erected on the site of a Byzantine watchtower Calamita impregnable fortress to protect their sea ports + infrastructure. The end of the fourteenth century - On the Peninsula were still Armenian feudal principalities with their fortresses, storehouses, wells in the mountains and at the bottom of the arsenal, the army (it was contained with special / tax). When the invasion of the enemy united Armenian princely rate going in the cafe (there lived more than 50 thousand people). Until the XV century Crimean Armenian people had about 300 thousand men. Besides Armenians there were two more Diasporas: a) The first diaspora - from Kafa and to the citadel Mangup border; b) the second diaspora - from the border and the fortress of Mangup Kaushane. In the archives there are ancient lists of princely and merchant families of the Crimea: Pahlavuni - Grand Prince of the royal family (immediate family members of the royal house Arshakuni, major landowners and fleet owners of the Crimea), Surhapetyants, Spendiaryan, Seferyan, Chaltykyan (later Saltykyan, Saltykov) Manchupents, Mugalents, Daridzhanyan, Aghamalyan, Ayvazyan (Aivazovsky), Arharyan, Nalbandian and more. . Other areas with ancient names for a long time remained in Feodosia, "the Armenian suburb", "Greek suburb", "German suburb" and so forth. 1453 - Byzantium fell from Oguz, al-Guz and other Turkic tribes (Turkish ancestors with modern Azerbaijanis, Turkmens.).. (14) Many of the Byzantine Armenians and other Christians were slaughtered by the Turks, etc.. Went to the Crimea, and so forth. 1475 - concluding the invaders Crimean Turks Oguz (snuggle Mongols). They further developed the slave trade, including pedophile. What many others. I wrote an eyewitness Cypriots E.Chelebi. There was instability in the Crimea, in the North. Caucasus and Bulgarian Kazan (E. Çelebi "Siyahatname." Ishimova A. "History of Russian children," Ch. "Peninsula of Crimea ...".) Siege Mangupa 7 times, from July to December. On the 8 th time Gedik Pasha captured it, putting 7,000 Janissaries chosen. The ruins of the temple of VI. "St. Constantine and Helena "Turks and Tatars piled corpses of the defenders. Now it was "Mangup-kadylyk" with center Cafe, he was part of the Turkish province ( "zyalet" -tur.). In Crimea, there were troops of the Turks and the rules of the Turkish governor! Then ruined fortress Kalamita. The rest of it renamed its 3 towers in Inkerman ( "cave fortress" -tyurk.). About Tatar devastation wrote M.Bronevsky et al. (15) The oppression by the Turks of Christians and Jews. (16) 1787 - Russian Empress Catherine II visited the Crimea, "saw herself in what position was the Christian population." In 1778-m of its Decree on the Armenians and the Greeks of the Hodge-Sala, as well as from others. Their ancient ancestral possessions, moved to the Don. Armenian people's contribution to the development of the Crimea - is enormous. Even newcomers Turks recognized the contribution of the Crimean and Crimean Armenian-Greek peoples in the development of the Crimea. After the "extermination of infidels" left "40,000 gardens", vineyards and vine presses ( "tarapany" - 11 pcs .; ancient arm the monastery Chelter-Koba, bar "" Chorus-Chorus. "), Plowed fields, branched water, numerous wells, ennobled, rebuilt roadside springs, "plural. Water tanks "(in E.Chelebi, A.Ishimovoy, E.Klemanu). Ishimova wrote: "From the ancient glory of the city remained now only the glory of his vineyards: they are the best in the Crimea." A well-known historian A. Nicholas wrote: "Armenians and Greeks were an important group of the population, played a historic role in the life of the Khanate ... they were the only transmitters Tatars farming culture skills, what they value and saved to the last of his stay in the Crimea." Architecture: Theodosia "Armenian fortress" ( "Hayots-Bird"), in Sudak fortress "Sold- (h) ayts" /t.n "Genoa".. Church "Surb Sargis", "Surb Arakelots", "Surb Karapet", "Gregory the Illuminator", "Hovhannes Astvatsaban", "Surb Gevorg", "Surb Nshan", "Surb Elijah." Monasteries, "Surb Gevorg" cave - "Chelter-Koba" and "Chelter-Marmara", "Surb Khach". Deserts "Chamaron", and deserts "Surb Anthony." Academician Jacobson ("Essays on the history of Armenian architecture of V-XVII centuries") underlines the unique phenomenon in the European architecture: "The influence of Armenian architecture can be seen in Bulgaria ... clear impact in Serbia, even more in the Crimea." Hovhannes Aivazovsky is the pride of Russia, Crimea, Feoosii. He is versatile as an artist - seascapes, urban landscape, portrait, rare battle scenes battle scenes ( "Massacre in Trabzon", "Dropping the Turks Armenian bodies in the sea.") (17) A talented architect, poet, teacher, archaeologist, musician, violinist, virtuoso kyamenchist . Great patron, benefactor of assistance to the poor (Russia, Bulgaria, Italy, France), art / exhibition for the poor. In Feodosiya he built: schools and hospitals for the poor, Concert Hall, Archeo / Mithridates Museum, Kunsthalle art gallery, club, public library, 30-kilometer water pipe + 2 fountains, a railway. Paratrooper in the army of General N. Raevsky, archaeologist and restorer of churches, house painter, creator of scenic Crimean schools. He gave his house with all antiques Feodosia. He is also "the first honorary citizen of the city" Feodosia. Aivazovsky was acquainted with Pushkin and his wife, Natalia Goncharova, as well as with composers A.Serovym (the father of the artist Serov), Spendiarova and many others. Many other Crimea patrons are: G.Ayvazovsky; Galfayan brothers; A.Burnazyan wife Aivazovsky; K.Artseulov artist, pilot; I.Sarkisov-Serazini - professor of medicine; the Basramovs’family - the social persons. All this clearly confirms (as evidenced by the numerous ancient, medieval, and modern sources and archaeological excavations), that the Armenians are one of the indigenous people of Crimea, with more than 2-thousand history of living on the Crimean peninsula. Natalia Sobol, historian Armenologist, 05.05.2016. In the text italic, underlined and highlighted by the author. Translated by Narine Davtyan Comments: (1) "BSE": "... Armenoid - antropolichesky type ... is widespread among the population of the Caucasus, Mesopotamia, Syria and Mal.Azii ... Armenoid anthropologised. type is a part of many others peoples - Armenians, Syrians, Assyrians of Mal. Asia and others. It is also found among the Jews "(brahilotsefaly and dohilotsefaly evropiodnoy race). But, first of all, these Armenoid signs "were typical carriers of ancient eastern civilizations created by the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, Hittites, Hurrians, Urartu" and many others. et al. peoples, related to Armenians. "THIS NATION (Sumer) comes from the Chaldeans, they sojourned heretofore in Mesopotamia, because he would not serve the gods of their fathers, who were in the land of the Chaldeans" (v. Judith 5). By Armenoid are "haliboi Ghalib and, of course, the same people living on lies. Armenia and the North Iran, also known as Khaldians ". And they include Mittani, Medea, aramenyane and Persians. G.Miletsky (550-490-ies BC) - the first Greek historian, geographer and cartographer, called Armenian "Ghalib" or "haliboyami" (and "Haldi" on behalf of their supreme god Khaldi). They inhabited the SOUTH. Armenia and North Iran. "The people of this URARTU called himself, was one of the most ancient peoples of our country have reached the state (ie the USSR)." Guy Pliny Secund the Elder (23-24? -79) ( "Natural History"), wrote that in the mountains, surrounded by Trebizond, "lives a tribe of Armeno-Chalybes lies Great Armenia". Armenia is often referred to in ancient mythology ( "On Boree chloride", "Argonauts" and others.). Lushan F., Virchow - Congress of the German report. Anthropologist. On the Island / 1892 Patrakova V., V. Chernous / comp., "Caucasus and Don ...", p.17. Hecataeus of Miletus "Zemleopisanie", fr. 195. The "BSE" t. III of, s.40-41. Skrizhinskaya M. "Northern Black Sea ..." s.92-111. Sargsyan Yu "Secrets of Ararat mountains", s.421. Varshavsky "was the beginning ...", s.53-54. Pospelov E. "School ...", p.189. Lukyashko L. "Don and Azov Sea ...," v., P.49. M. Zikmund, Hanzelka I. "Inverted crescent", 1963, p.230. Ptolemy "Geography". (2) Pontida / TAVRIDA was in Crimea (Black Sea basin) to the end pliostsena (ie approx. 1-2 million. N. N.). It is known for the ancient authors. Major authorities geology, botany, zoogeography, oceanography E.Zyuss, F.Osvald, S.Mokrzhetsky, R.Orbeli, N.Andrusov, ak. L.Berg (President Geo-Society), E.Vulf, prof. I.Puzanov, N.Rubtsov et al., Believe that it extends from the coast of the Crimea to the so-called lies. "Turkish" Black Sea coast. Mountain Tauris (now the so-called "Mountain Crimea") was connected with the part of the continental land Small Asia, new Balkan and Caucasus. A series of species of flora and fauna "connects Crimea with Small Asia... Balkan Peninsula Zap.Zakavkaze ..." and so on. Scientists believe that ancient people "got to the Crimea by land bridges from Caucasus regions, the Balkans (ancient sites). According to sources, the Crimea "was famous for several centuries BC (XII-XIII centuries BC). There lived the nations differs from others of his erudition, his success in the sciences, navigation and trade. A. Kondrashov "Atlantis Tethys Sea" s.149-151. M. Zikmund, Hanzelka I. "Inverted crescent", Moscow, 1963, p.230. Ptolemy "Geography". (3) Porkeshiyan H. "Folklore Don Armenians", p. 12. N. Nikitin "Good word, that spring day." (4) ancient authors - Horace "Ode", kn.II. A.Martsellin "Acts", Vol. XXII, 8.20. Strabo "Geography», IV, 8. A. Kondrashov "Atlantis Tethys Sea" s.147-154. C. Kowalewski "Face of the Caspian Sea", a monograph. Kosidowsky Z. "The Bible", p.167. He "When the sun was a god," s.321-329. Pseudo-Skilak Kariandsky "History / Asia," Ayvazyan 88. "History of Russia. Armenian trace ", s.50-65. Dul'yan S. Aslanyan A. "Meet Armenia" s.107-108. nauka. Bible. com.na | bessmertie | 2-07.htm Pospelov E. "School ...", p.19. Erev. Mate-n, hands. Number 520, number 2679, P.208 "a". I. Orbeli, "Notes on a 2-arm. inscriptions ... ", s.319. / From Archive | comments. I of /, p.2, Repro. /. Ishimova A. "History of Russia .." Ch. "Peninsula of Crimea ...". Ayvazyan "History of Russia ...", p.39. Nagorno B. "Your Region ...", p.56. www. inkusto. Com «Ancient city and country names." Bronevsky M. "Description of Tatarstan". Bershad R. "2 story ...", s.96-97. Pliny (cit., 7,88-90). Kallistov D., S. Utchenko "Ancient Rome" s.156,157,160,164-165,175,382. Review "Rest in Sochi", p.45. (5) Mongols - ancestors of Crimean Tatars, Mongolians, now greatly mixed with the native peoples of Crimea. Gumilev wrote: "Up to the XII century. it was the name of the ethnic group of the 30 largest genera that lived on the banks of Kerulena. In the XII century. This nation has increased, and Chinese geographers began to use the name for all the Central Asian nomads. " K.Gandzaketsi historian-witness: "... the sight of them was hellish and terrified. Beard has not grown, but some grow a few hairs on the lips or chin, his eyes narrow and fast, his voice thin and high-pitched ... live a long time ... They feed all the animals ... - and clean and unclean ... They take as many wives as they want ... and where ... meet without ... parsing live with strangers ... they do not worship ... and when someone died ... or kill someone ... they are many days were taken from a corpse ... burned corpse, often buried in the ground ... and ... to him ... weapons, gold, silver, and his share of the property ... and his servants and handmaids of his ... of his horses (ie, disemboweled, sewn horse skins without guts, approx. SN). Women of all witches and wondered about everything ... ". See. G.Erets ( "About people of the shooters'). Turks-Bulgars (ancestors of Kazan, etc. "Tatars".) - Migrated from the Kama and Semirechye (drought, pestilence) in the Volga region (from Bulgars). And in agreement with the Russian princes, they settled in Sredn.Povolzhe with the VII century., Where they have created a "Great Bulgaria". "The X-XIV centuries they have become the main population of the Volga-Kama Bulgaria. Their descendants Chuvash, Kazan Tatars. " Called "Tatars" Bulgars began after the siege and conquest of Great Bulgaria Tatar-Mongols (1236). After the conquest of the Bulgars (order Batu) called the Tartars, because Tatar first burst into the fallen Bulgar. The Mongolian Horde fought and Jur-Jen. The etymology of the self-designation of the people are interested in: Jur - water, Jenny like jan (Jurjan city). There is a certain mystery. But, all the invaders were called Tatars. Because Genghis Khan in the vanguard of the set-kerulents Tatars. Some of them did not submit to Genghis Khan and become cannon fodder. But times change, many others later. centuries in Russia and Mongolia will be a good relationship. And when the World War II begins, very poor Mongolia rescued the USSR. The country scored almost all the cattle, the people starved to the skins of slaughtered animals to sew coats for the soldiers of the Red Army. G.Ererts "O people shooters" (a list of the manuscripts of the XVII century.), Number 1485, p.192 "b" -222 "b". Gandzaketsi K. "History of Armenia", the hands. Number 1518, p.189 "and" -260 "b" (the list of 1594). He, "History of Armenia", chapter 32, s.172-174,276-275. Kuznetsov "History of the Don region," Growth. 1971, p.32. Kozlov V. "Columba Russian Antiquities", 1985, p.27. Metropolitan Bishkeks. and Sredneaziats. Vladimir "Earth descendants of the patriarch Turk / Spiritual Heritage of Kyrgyzstan and Christian aspects of this heritage", ROC, 2012 s.7,23,29- 39-45,89-99. Abulgazi Khorezm "Family Tree of the Turks." "Russian memoirs", s.489. G.Erets "O people shooters» (XIII c.) Manuscript number 1485, p. 192 "b" -222 "b". D.del Plano "History of the Mongols" Almanac "Mat- Bulletin on" s.256-296. Zh. "Christianity and Russia», № 2, s.34-38. A. Abrahamyan "Script ..." s.38-39.Abramyan A. '' The manuscript treasures of Matenadaran "Erev., 1959, p.38. URL: http: //humon.snaka.ru/2013/02/2366 / Gumilev B. "On the Origin of" Art. Gumilev L. "Ethnogenesis" h. 2, IV of. TV "right to vote", 03/12/2015. (6) He found a very old book (32 parchment. Page). Letters like the archaic Grabar. But Bzhshkyan, who could not read it and copied the following page. A copy of the sheet is now in Venice. He put this passage in his book "Journey to Poland" (it published in 1828, the / Venice). The book itself was gone. M. Bzhshkyan, who "Journey to Poland", (7) The different parts of the world can see the arm. track. Turkmenistan: the city of Urgench - Aneva, Tagta, Cherkez (derived from the Armenian word "Serkiz", "Sarkiz" Sarkis. "). Sev.Horasan - Abi Verde (derived from the Armenian word "Bird" / "castle".), An ancient fortress Anau (III century BC.). Arabia: city Arev (Sun). Mesoamerica: City Zuivanna, Ksalissko, etc. Ptolemy "Geography". (8) "Arsak (Arshak; SN approx .; III Mak.I, XIV, 2,3,15.) - The common name of Parfyanian kings. In indicated places ... of course Arsak IV, otherwise Mithridates. " Royal Arshakids Armenian race. Mitridatokerta their city- necropolis (now lies. Turkmenistan). This includes c. St. Abgar, Princess Anne, the wife of Prince. Vladimir, the Baptist of Russia. "Bible Encyclopedia", 1891, p.61. "East Art", 1986, p.40. www.veter-stranstvii.ru/v 02 nik- feodoro.html N. Sobol "Princess Anne", v., Hai Azg. "Complete Orthodox ..." 1891, p.21. Pliny (cit., 7,88-90). Kallistov D., S. Utchenko "Ancient Rome" s.156,157,160,164-165,175,382. Review "Rest in Sochi", p.45. (9) HI-Hurum - Byzantine basileis, commanders, patriarchs, the holy Church (ethnic Armenians). This dynasty - Amory, Arshakuni, Artsruni, Akopapy, Angels, Argir, Armenopuly, Aspet, Bakuriany (Pakuriany) Drermokaity. And Duca, Varda, Vasilachi, Vhkatsi, Vahram, Gavras (Havrasy, Howrah) Gnuni, Heracleides, Isauria, Kamsarakan, Kekaumenos, BR (Komnenakany and Kurkasy (Gurgen) Kurtik, Curopalates, Krinity, Lakapeny (Lakapidy) Mauritius (Morikami), Macedonians (branch Arshakuni) Monomakh and Musil - Pahlavuni (Suren-Pahlavi, Iran Pahlawan)., Raul, Skleros, Tornike, Taronity, Fokady etc. K. Porphyrogenitus "On the management of the empire.". Zonaras XIII, 22. Zonara, XVIII, 22. Ustia A. "Philosophy arrevizma" s.185-192 Zonaras XIII, 22. Zonara, XVIII, Arutyunov-Fidanyan S. "The Board ...», WWW portal -. credo RU. . It is "the Armenian Chalcedons ..." s.65-71,73- 77,90-94,107-112,120,134-137. Zisis F. "is Arm. Orthodox Church?" s.34-40,65. Kazhdan A. "The social composition ..." s.171,186,200,206-211. Matenadaran, manuscript number 336. G. Hovsepyan "Atlas arm. paleography" s.180-181, number 20 Table. the XI. "General history stepanos asoghik , Asoghik "s.133-134. E.Saphokles. Creek'Lexison of Poman and Byzantine Periodes. Ioannis Scylirae synopsis historearum, recenuit. I. Thurn. Berolin et. Nov Eboraci, p.321-32 P.Lemerle. La Chrondue improprement dite de Montmvasie: le contxt inisloreque et Legedaire - Pevuedes Etudes Byzantines, t. XXI, p.17. "Travelling Johannes Schiltberger" s.3,4, 18- 19,66,72,97,99,101-107,109. www.veter-stranstvii.ru/v 02 nik-feodoro.html (10) www. inkusto. Com «Ancient city and country names." Bronevsky M. "Description of Tatarstan". Erev. Mate-n, hands. Number 520, number 2679, str.208 "a". Ishimova A. "History of Russian children." (11) "The country is ready," called Armenian Bulgaria. historian Matevos Edessa, according to the Latin sources, the Byzantine author of "Ttsetsy knows and is ready for the Danube." Alans - ancestors of the Ossetians. Kuzmin "The Fall of Perun", p.104. (13) www.veter-stranstvii.ru/v 02 nik-feodoro.html (14) The leader of the tribal alliance of the Turks of the Ottoman Mehmet II of, nicknamed "the Conqueror", laid siege to the capital of the Byzantine Empire - Constantinople (the so-called "Bloody Tuesday" had a 29.05 1453rd g.). His 3-day warriors looted and the city and the surrounding affluent suburbs, monasteries, villas, etc. Barbara Ottoman ravaged and burned almost everything -. Houses, hospitals, baths, markets. Pilfered food and wine warehouses. The Turks, who had not seen such splendor, picked out from the walls and gilded stucco fragments of gilded mosaics, chipped parts of patterned marble carving. They burned two state fleet - commercial and military. Runciman wrote: "The blood streams running down the steep streets of Constantinople to the Petra hills in the Golden Horn." The water in the cove red with blood. Runciman, "The Fall of Constantinople." (15) MARTIN BRONEVSKIY- Catholic chronicler, the Polish ambassador in the Crimea from King Stefan Batory (1578-1579). The author of the manuscript, "Description of Tatarstan", which was published in 1595-m, in Cologne. When writing this work, he relied on the ancient authors: Pliny, Ptolemy, Strabo ( "Geography"). He noted that under the new host on the Peninsula "bore the stamp of desolation" – half destroyed settlements of Crimea and the city cracked water tanks littered with wells. The ruins and piles of broken bricks, overgrown with bushes "sho brought into disastrous ruin." But the slave markets, crowded slave. M.Bronevsky "Journey to Poland". He also "Description of Tatarstan". www. inkusto. Com «Ancient city and country names." F.Metsopetsi "A Brief History of the Eastern kings and the wicked and the evil beast Lenk-Temur et al.," Hand. Number 783. D.del Plano "History of the Mongols" Almanac "Mat-Bulletin on" s.256-296. Zh. "Christianity and Russia», № 2, s.34-38. A. Abrahamyan "Script ...", s.38-39. G.Erets "O people shooters» (XIII c.) Manuscript number 1485, p. 192 "b" -222 "b". (16) Russian historian-theologian E. Smirnov wrote: "By destroying the city, churches and monasteries, the Turks destroyed at the same time and the means to enlightenment - schools, libraries, ancient manuscripts, scholars theological works ... with the advent of the Turkish rule" Christians, while in almost servile position, lost the opportunity to satisfy their aspirations for education. " Then Smirnov noted that, on education "by the Turkish rulers could be no question; Turkish government as a Muslim, has always been opposed to any education, let alone educate their slaves of Christians. " After all, in solid Turks believe, E. Smirnov wrote, "all the others. Peoples, contained another religion, especially Christian ... infidels, Raya Giaours ... Eastern Christians, who did not accept Mohammedanism, in the opinion of the Turks ... should have ... do them in slavery; Turks thought that the Christians as infidels, and it is meant to be slaves, and they are true believers, rule over them. " Sources: A. Abrahamyan 'The manuscript treasures of Matenadaran "s.10,26,38,61. Ayvazyan "History of Russia. Armenian trace "s.50-65,354. Andreev A. "History of Crimea", Chapter 6. Arutyunov-Fidanyan V. "The Board of Armenians in the North-East of Russia», WWW portal-credo. RU She "Armenians-Chalcedons on the eastern borders of the Byzantine Empire HIv." Erev., 1980, s.57-70,74-77,90- 98,107,173,412. She "Byzantine rulers of Edessa in the eleventh century." Erev. "Aystan" 1973, AME. 35. M. Bzhshkyan, who "Journey to Poland", 1828. "Bible Encyclopedia", 1891 s.60,61,77,121,124,183-184,475. Bronevsky M. "Description of the Crimea" // ZONO 1867, t. III of, s.343. He also "Description of Tatarstan". He's "Journey to Poland". "TSB", ie III of, s.40-41,90-120.; m. XXXII, s.359 K. Porphyrogenitus "On the management of the empire." Vasiliev, "The Origin of the emperor Irakli" t. XII, s.148-163. "General History stepanos asoghik, Asoghik" s.133-134. Varshavsky "In the beginning was the legend", M., 1982, s.39,44-45,47,53,57-58,74,104,112,123-124,127- 128,131,133,136. Vorobyevsky Yu "A knock at the golden gate", s.20-21. He "Step snake" s.110-112,133,176. Hecataeus of Miletus "Zemleopisanie", fr. 195. " Grigoryan G. "Rod Orbelian ...", s.38-40. Horace, "Odes" kn.II. Gumilev L. "Ethnogenesis", Part 2, XI. Dill S. "History of the Byzantine Empire", M., s.70-76,81-82. Butler I. "Ancient Greek-Russian Dictionary", Moscow, 1958, vol. I, s.315. Dul'yan S. Aslanyan A. "Meet Armenia" s.107-108. Zh. "Christianity and Russia», № 2, s.34-38. Zonaras XIII, 22. Zisis F. "Is there Arm. Orthodox Church? "S.34-40,65. M. Zikmund, Hanzelka I. "Inverted crescent", 1963, p.230. "Caucasus and Don in the works of ancient authors' compilation. Kallistov D., S. Utchenko "Ancient Rome" s.156,157,160,164-165,175,382. C. Kowalewski "Face of the Caspian Sea", a monograph. Kosidowsky Z. "The Bible", p.167. He "When the sun was a god," s.321-329. Kazhdan A. "The social composition of the ruling class of Byzantium XI-XII centuries", "Nauka", 1974 s.171,186,200,206-211. Krachkovskii I. "Materials on the history of ...". Kuzmin "The Fall of Perun", p.104. Leo the Deacon. "Christianity and Russia", p.16. A.Martsellin "Acts", Vol. XXII, 8.20. Melkonyan A. "History of Taron". Moishezon B. "Armenoid - the aristocracy of antiquity", Art. http://armuniver.org/view / 89/83 Metsopetsi F. "A Brief History of Eastern. kings and the wicked and the evil beast Lenk-Temur et al., "hand. Number Nagaevskaya E. "The neighborhood Bakhchisaray /" Cave towns / ". Society of St. Theodore Gavras www.graal G. Hovsepyan "Atlas arm. paleography "s.180-181, number 20, Table. XI. Papandoulo-Keramevs «Fontes historae imperie Trapezuntins», p.79. Pospelov E. "School toponomichesky Dictionary", Moscow, 1988, с.11,12,13,16,18,212,22,33,38,43,52,60,63,66,67,68,69,86,102,107,108,109,120,128,129,131,138,146,147,153,159,1 63,165,168,170,189,194,196,201,203,204,208,210,212,220. Pseudo-Skilak Kariandsky "History / Asia" 88. Review "Rest in Sochi", p.45. Ptolemy "Geography". "Travelling Johannes Schiltberger" s.3,4, 18-19,66,72,97,99,101-107,109. Russian glory "People of Byzantium» www russIawa. info / post / 421. "Russian memoirs," p.230. E. Reclus "Land and People" t.III, s.285. Sargsyan Yu "Secrets of Ararat mountains", s.421. Skrizhinskaya M "Northern Black Sea coast in the description by Pliny the Elder", Kiev, 1977, s.92-111. S. Solovyov "Readings and stories on the history of Russia", s.743. Strabo "Geography», IV, 8. Taran G. "Legends of Crimea", s.65-68. Chelibi E. "Seyyahatname". Jacobson "Medieval Crimea", s.2,81. He "Medieval Hersonissos". annfirever.athn.ru/anna-vizantiyskay/ Bees. «Eine undeachtete Quelle uber die Abstammund des Kaisers Basilios I, des Mazedoniers / Byzantinischneugriechische Jahrbucher, Bd.IV, s.76. Byzantine-way. Iivejournal, com / 123571.htmI E.Saphokles. Creek'Lexison of Poman and Byzantine Periodes. New York. Kunstmann, Studien uber Marino Sanudo, 1855, p.112. nauka. Bible. com.na | bessmertie | 2-07.htm Ioannis Scylirae synopsis historearum, recenuit. I. Thurn. Berolin et. Nov Eboraci, p.321-322. P.Lemerle. La Chrondue improprement dite de Montmvasie: le contxt inisloreque et Legedaire.-Pevuedes Etudes Byzantines, t. XXI, p.17. Lushan F., Virchow - Congress of the German report. Anthropologist. On the Island / 1892 Sirarpie Der Nersessian «Armenia and the Byzantine Empire», Cambridge, p.20. Vogt A. «Basile I et la civilization byzantine a la fin duXI e sicle», p.21, note 3. He is, L'ade et I'omdine de I'emperean Basil II (867-886). Byzantion, vol. IX, p.223 (Armenian origin). «Basile Iev de Byzance (867-886) et la civilisationbyzantine IXe siècle, p.337. Cembridge Medieval History, vol, p.54. www. arbido. Am / Ukraina_ru.htm http://www.pravoslavie.ru/jurnal/080212120041.htm mangyp.at.ua | index | 04 www. jalita.com www.turlocman. / UKraine / 3718 E.Saphokles. Creek'Lexison of Poman and Byzantine Periodes. Ioannis Scylirae synopsis historearum, recenuit. I. Thurn. Berolin et. Nov Eboraci, p.321-32. P.Lemerle. La Chrondue improprement dite de Montmvasie: le contxt inisloreque et Legedaire - Pevuedes Etudes Byzantines, t. XXI, p.17. Zonara, XVIII,

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