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Saturday, 15.03.2025 lang.iso lang.iso lang.iso

Mayor Taron Margaryan's congratulation on the national holiday of France-Bastille Day

The delegation headed by Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan which is in Marseille with an official visit was present at the official reception organized by Marseille Mayor Jean-Claude Gaudin. Expressing gratitude to his Yerevan colleague for accepting the invitation Marseille Mayor noted that this visit was another opportunity to discuss the process of the program of cooperation established between Yerevan and Marseille and to outline the further plans. Expressing his satisfaction with the program of cooperation formed between Yerevan and Marseille Jean-Claude Gaudin thanked Taron Margaryan for his efforts aimed at strengthening the bilateral cooperation. «Our cooperation which has more than 20-year history is expanding from year to year which is also due to your consistent work and willingness to cooperate. And taking into account this circumstance I wish you to be next to us as a distinguished guest on the national holiday of France-Bastille Day. Today we successfully implement joint programs in various spheres of urban economy. I am sure that joining our efforts we'll be able to realize all outlined projects», said the mayor of Marseille. 

In his greeting speech addressed to those present Mayor Taron Margaryan first of all thanked his colleague for the invitation and warm welcome, then congratulated the French people on their national holiday stressing that he had gladly accepted the special invitation of his colleague to take part in the celebration. «It's honour for me to be next to our friends on this day symbolizing freedom, brotherhood and equality. In the last two decades at all the levels such as regular political dialogues, decentralized cooperation, economic, cultural, educational and other spheres high level of relationship has been developed. And in this context I really appreciate the friendship and partnership between Yerevan and Marseille. Since the very beginning of our cooperation we have implemented a lot of projects for the sake of the residents of the two cities», stressed the Mayor. Taron Margaryan also noted that Marseille has a special place in the hearts of Armenians, as it was the first French city which hosted the Armenians hardly survived in the Armenian Genocide becoming the second homeland for them.

«It isn’t coincidence that the lives and activity of many French statesmen and public figures of Armenian nationality are connected with Marseille. I should state with pride that the contribution of the Armenian community of France and particularly of Marseille is really significant in the present high level of French-Armenian relations. Taking the opportunity I express gratitude on behalf of all people of Yerevan to all the residents of Marseille and to the French people for carrying out commemoration actions dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide. I would particularly like to mention that the role of France in the issue of recognition of the Armenian Genocide is particularly appreciated in Armenia», said Yerevan Mayor in his turn expressing gratitude to his colleague for his personal contribution to the issue of strengthening the ties between the two cities.


Information and Public Relations Department
of the City Hall of Yerevan
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