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Friday, 14.03.2025 lang.iso lang.iso lang.iso

Taron Margaryan hosted the pupils of the music school after Armen Tigranyan

Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan hosted the pupils of the music school after Armen Tigranyan who returned from their month-tour from in the USA a few days ago.

It should be noted that this is the first time in the history of the capital's music schools that children left for their tour three times have presented the performance «Anoush» opera with children's eyes» at the stage of famous «Alex» theater.The show was a full house.

Congratulating the children and their teachers Mayor Taron Margaryan highly appreciated their efforts due to which such an idea had been realized.

«I am aware that you upheld the honour of our country and Yerevan overseas. You are really talented and I am sure that in future you will get a lot of success. I am also certain that you will receive invitations from other countries. Dear children, remember, that your are our future and be sure that Yerevan Municipality will always be next to you and support you in the implementation of your initiatives and the initiatives of the school», said Taron Margaryan.

Expressing their gratitude for warm welcome and permanent support the headmaster of the music school After A.Tigranyan Anahit Gevorgyan noted that the particular attention of the Mayor to the cultural and educational establishments in the recent years contributed to the increasing number of the children attending music schools, and the comfortable conditions created in schools inspire new creative ideas.

After the meeting with the Mayor the children visited Yerevan History Museum.

Information and Public Relations Department
of the City hall of Yerevan

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