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Friday, 14.03.2025 lang.iso lang.iso lang.iso

Taron Margaryan: «Those who don't want to work properly had better think of another job»

Mayor Taron Margaryan held a working conference with all the employees of Yerevan Municipality Department of Real Estate Management. The reports on the work done by the department in 2015 were presented during the meeting. In particular, it was referred to the terms of responding the citizens' applications, to complete working out of decisions drafts to be submitted to Yerevan Council of Elders confirmation, to permanent supervision over the community-owned property given on leasing basis and to a number of other issues.

Speaking about the work of the department the Mayor attached particular attention to document circulation and to the omissions made while responding to citizens.
«Approximately 50 % of the applications addressed to Municipality are directly connected with your department. So, you are obliged to provide timely and justified answers to the citizens. the were cases when citizens had to wait for a month to get the response but it was found out that the problem could be answered much sooner. Such a working style is unacceptable. Even if the answer is negative or is beyond the functions of the department the applications are to be responded in time. The Municipality should ease the citizens' problems instead of making it more complicated by extra paperwork», said the Mayor. He also demanded to be more responsible and consistent in their work with the citizens.

The Mayor also outlined the importance of systematic work particularly while presenting the functions and activities of the sphere.

«The demands and expectations of the residents from the city authorities have certainly increased nowadays, and we are obliged to ensure meeting the demands with our everyday work. Proper presentation of your functions and obligations should be outlined during the work with the residents. It's necessary to be patient, and if there are people among you who are not ready to meet the obligations properly then they had better think of changing their jobs. In 2016 we expect the Real Estate Department to work with more responsibility», said the Mayor and stressed that those who fail working appropriately will be reprimanded.
Referring to the achievements the Mayor stressed that they shouldn't get satisfied with the positive results until the defects in the sphere have been eliminated.

Information and Public Relations Department
of the City hall of Yerevan

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