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Իրինա Շեյքը և Բրեդլի Կուպերը՝ Ֆրանսիայի օդանավակայանում

Պապարացցիներին հաջողվել է լուսանկարել Իրինա Շեյքին և Բրեդլի Կուպերին Ֆրանսիայի օդանավակայանում:

Nice guy: Wearing a heavy coat with jeans and a baseball cap, the screen star - whose hit movies include Limitless and The Hangover - looked effortlessly rugged
Chilled: Looking relaxed as they waited in the terminal building, the couple - who are normally seen putting on grand PDAs - were instead cool
Dressed to impress? Adding some glamour to her choice of travel wear, Irina sported a leather coat with oversized collars for dramatic effect
Smile, you're on holiday! Seemingly make-up free for the outing, she hid behind a pair of designer sunglasses and carried a crocodile-skin hangbag
Gentleman: At one point the handsome performer was approached by a female fan, who expressed her joy at meeting the A-list hunk
Friendly: Taking time from his day to speak with the woman, he seemed charming and gracious with the unexpected exchange
Everyday traveller: Bradley had no airs and graces about being a celebrity on the road
Jetting off: The pair are taken from the airport to their luxury hotel in central Paris
Romance: Bradley and Irina have reportedly been together since the start of this year
Good times! Irina manages a smile as she chats to Bradley's fan about their imminent holiday
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