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Բրյուսելյան ահաբեկչությունից օրեր անց. հուզիչ ֆոտոշարք

Մարտի 22-ին «Իսլամական պետությունը» հասցրեց Եվրամիության պատմության մեջ ամենալուրջ հարվածներից մեկը՝ իրականացնելով ահաբեկչական գործողությունների շարք Միության մայրաքաղաքում՝ Բրյուսելում:

«Զավենտեմ» օդանավակայանում և մետրոյի «Մաալբեկ» կայարանում պայթյունների զոհ է դարձել ավելի քան երեք տասնյակ մարդ, ընդհանուր առմամբ տուժել է մոտ երկու հարյուր մարդ: Հարձակումները տեղի են ունեցել աշխատանքային օրվա սկզբին. որպես թիրախ են ընտրվել Բրյուսելի ամենաբազմամարդ վայրերը՝ միջազգային օդանավակայանն ու մետրոյի կայարանը: Երկրում եռօրյա սուգ է հայտարարվել:

Heartbreaking: Mother Sonia, pictured embracing her two children Mateo and Alessia at Brussels Place de la Bourse as she pays her respects to victims following yesterdays terrorists attacks that killed 34 people and injured 200 others in a twin suicide attack

Remembrance: Hundreds of people gathered for this mornings minute silence at the square, which was followed by a round of applause

Tribute: People gathered at the square, which has become a vigil. Mourners have chalked messages of peace and are lighting candles

Tears: Belgium is observing three days of national mourning to commemorate their dead. Earlier people chanted Long live Belgium

Compassion: Brussels mayor Yvan Mayeur said: We are showing our compassion. We need to reach out today to all those who were hurt

Last night the square was packed with hundreds of people, but the atmosphere was quiet and sombre

In mourning: Airport workers and their relatives lit candles outside Brussels main airport this evening in honour of those who were killed

Seeking comfort in one another: Two women embraced outside Brussels airport as they attended a vigil in mourning of those who died

Tears and sorrow: Mourners gathered outside Brussels airport where 14 people were killed yesterday when two suicide bombers acted

Candles for the victims: A group of airport workers pay tribute to the victims of the Brussels terror attacks during a vigil held this evening

Grieving: Mourners blew kisses to those who died in the terror attacks as they attended a vigil this evening outside the countrys airport

Light up: Dozens of candles were lit outside Brussels main airport tonight as the country began three days of mourning for the victims

Belgians observed a minute of silence this morning in memory of the victims of the countrys worst-ever terror attacks

Place de la Bourse has messages written in chalk  in countless different colours and languages - French, German, English, Spanish, Arabic

One man wrote in Arabic: If you are here with the objective to make us afraid, you have failed. We are here in peace, in a land of peace

The area has become a focal point for Belgians to unite and show solidarity against the ISIS terrorists who brought carnage to their city

Lockdown: Authorities warned people to stay at home today, but many defiantly came out to the streets to pay their respects 

Hundreds of people stayed late into the evening last night at the Place de la Bourse, which has become to focal vigil for the victims

I am Brussels: The banner reads Je suis Bruxelles and Ick ben Brussels - reflecting Begiums two languages

People gathered to light candles at the Place de la Bourse late last night  to pay tribute to the victims of the attacks in Brussels

Messages of support read In honour of todays victims - Help us lighten up Brussels with candles. Respond with light and rise above fear

Grief: Place de la Bourse is where the residents of Brussels have chosen to gather as the sun begins to set on a city in mourning

Residents have chalked brightly coloured messages reminiscent of those written on the pavements of Paris after their November attack

Love: The defiant messages are not giving in to hate, with one reading- Unity, peace, love and Bruxelles toujours (Brussels forever)

Tribute: Belgian Prime Minister also came to light a candle to pay tribute to the victims of the Brussels terror attacks in place de la Bourse

Defiant: One man writes in Arabic - If you are here to make us afraid, you have failed. We are here in peace, in a land of peace

Solidarity: A stranger gave Gilles Vossen, a passerby on his way home from work a white rose in a show of solidarity (not pictured)

Chance: Valerie Lever (not pictured) said she had friends who could have been on the Maelbeek metro

Jana Struys came to the Place because being together is the answer. We need to show we are not afraid, she told MailOnline

Airlines cancelled hundreds of flights and European railways froze links with Brussels after a series of bomb blasts killed at least 34 people

A man plays the cello as people gathered at a makeshift memorial at Place de la Bourse (Beursplein) following attacks in Brussels yesterday

Its a black day for Belgium - but we need to show we are not afraid, Leticia told MailOnline as she stood with her friends looking over the flowers, candles and flags in the centre of the square yesterday

Life: Francois Chantelle, who is handing out balloons: I wanted to put some colour in this place, in this moment, he told MailOnline

Meeting: The old stock exchange was the traditional gathering place of Brussels residents, but meetings have recently been banned

But now in Brussels darkest hour, this is where they have come together once more, sitting on the steps

A man pays tribute at Brussels Place De La Bourse to the 34 killed and hundreds wounded in todays attack on the citys metro and airport

We are strong, we are one: Defiant messages unity and peace covered the Brussels square in colourful chalk messages 

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